Sarah Heinamann's Fan Palm
Material: Bronze and Clear Crystal
Dimensions: Bronze: 225 X 130 X 110h mm
Price: $ 3 150
Sarah Heinamann's inspiration for the bronze seedpod collection stems from her experiences with nature and draws metaphorical meaning from its forms, "Seedpods represent the birth, life, death and rebirth cycle.
Material: Bronze and Clear Crystal
Dimensions: Bronze: 225 X 130 X 110h mm
Price: $ 3 150
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Meet the maker
After 20 years of living one kind of life, my own reality had changed and I was once more back in the ground, awaiting a new beginning. As we transition from one phase of life to the next, there is a process of death - letting go of that which no longer serves us, and a pause as we decide how to move forward."