July has truly marked the peak of the season in the Okavango Delta, bringing with it spectacular wildlife sightings amidst breathtaking landscapes. The Delta is in full bloom, with floodplains and waterways teeming with animals. We've had the pleasure of sharing these incredible moments with our guests, who have been awestruck by the variety and abundance of wildlife. From majestic elephants and leaping lechwe to playful lion cubs and our resident leopards, each day has offered something unique and memorable. The sheer number of animals and the beauty of their surroundings have made this July an unforgettable experience.

Captured by Ike

Captured by Ike

Captured by Ike

Captured by Ike

Captured by Ike

We observed a majestic male leopard making an epic journey across the Boro channel.

Captured by Ike

Captured by Ike


Captured by Ike

 Captured by Ike

Captured by Carike 

July has been nothing short of extraordinary, offering unforgettable encounters and breathtaking views that continue to enchant and inspire all who bear witness. We are excited to see what August has in store for us.